Italian Course: preparation for interviews, filling out forms and CVs for study and work purposes in Italy
Publicado em 21/03/2024 às 10:50 AM -
Registrations open for online course on student exchange in German-speaking countries
Publicado em 20/03/2024 às 04:53 PM -
French Conversation Course – Instructor: Maéva da Costa
Publicado em 18/03/2024 às 02:51 PM -
Extension Course: Welcome and integration of foreign students at UFSC
Publicado em 13/03/2024 às 10:58 AMRegistration is now open for the extension course: Welcome and integration of foreign students at UFSC. The aim of the course is to offer foreign students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs in 2024.1 with the basic knowledge of the Portuguese language to enhance their academic experience at UFSC. This introductory course offers a practical and reflective study of communication strategies in the academic environment.
Places: 25
Location: NILT – 7th floor – Rectorate Building II (Reitoria II)
Schedule: 18 and 25 March and 1 April (2pm)
Registration link: http://inscricoes.ufsc.br/httpinscricoesufscbracolhimentople
NILT/SINTER translates UFSC promotional materials into foreign languages
Publicado em 07/02/2024 às 08:11 AM -
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about NILT/SINTER
Publicado em 27/11/2023 às 11:32 AM -
Free online course: “Writing emails in English”
Publicado em 10/11/2023 às 10:49 AM -
Free online course: “Ways and perspectives of studying in Italy – reading and understanding calls for applications in Italian language” (self-instructional) – 2023.2
Publicado em 07/11/2023 às 06:10 PM -
Free online course: “Written production in English – Abstracts” – 2023
Publicado em 25/10/2023 às 10:17 AM -
Free in-person “Oral and Written English Practice” course at CCA/UFSC
Publicado em 19/10/2023 às 02:30 PM