Call no. 3/2023/NILT/SINTER – Translation (Portuguese⇔English) of Academic Abstracts for Undergraduate Students – Deadline: 30 November 2023
Publicado em 18/08/2023 às 11:23 AM -
Selection Process for scholarships at the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT): Translation – Spanish – First-Stage Results
Publicado em 17/08/2023 às 10:31 AM -
NILT/SINTER offers free hybrid course: “Préparation au DELF B1” –
Publicado em 11/08/2023 às 10:45 AM -
NILT/SINTER offers free in-person course: “Parler pour communiquer : parler de soi-même et de l’UFSC”
Publicado em 11/08/2023 às 09:38 AM -
NILT/SINTER offers free online course – Basic Italian – Registrations until 29 August
Publicado em 10/08/2023 às 12:00 PM -
Selection Process for scholarships at the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT): Translation – Spanish
Publicado em 09/08/2023 às 04:08 PM -
Registration is open for the “Self-instructional Brazilian Portuguese” free course promoted by NILT
Publicado em 15/07/2023 às 08:32 AMRegistration is open for the Self-Instructional Brazilian Portuguese course, to take place between 20 August and 30 August. This course is offered to students, researchers, foreign professors and external community members who need an introduction to the Portuguese language.
The aim is to enable participants to master the structures, expressions and sentences of everyday use, allowing them to communicate in a simple way, introduce themselves and others, ask questions and give answers about personal aspects and their surroundings. The course will also present elements of the Brazilian culture through relevant texts and famous MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) songs.
This 20-hour, self-instructional, free course will be held online through the virtual teaching and learning environment Moodle.
At the end of the course, participants who complete all required activities and obtain the minimum grade required will receive an electronic certificate issued by UFSC and valid throughout the country.
Course content: first contacts with Brazilian Portuguese. Introductions and greetings, formal and informal. The alphabet, letters and sounds in Portuguese, the days of the week and the months of the year. The verbs ‘ser’ and ‘vir’. The present tense of the 10 most frequent verbs in Portuguese. Subject Pronouns, definite and indefinite articles, the prepositions ‘de’ and ’em’ and their contractions. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. The numbers from 1 to 300. Some cities and countries from around the world.
Register until 15 August 2023 through this link: https://inscricoes.ufsc.br/curso-pb-autoinstrucional-a1-1
Contact for queries: cbfaveri@gmail.com
Call no. 2/2023/NILT/SINTER – Translation (Portuguese⇔French) of Academic Abstracts for Undergraduate Students
Publicado em 06/07/2023 às 09:27 AM -
Call no. 1/2023/NILT/SINTER – Translation (Portuguese⇔English) of Academic Abstracts for Undergraduate Students
Publicado em 04/07/2023 às 04:43 PM -
Registrations open for “La musique française d’hier et d’aujourd’hui” atelier
Publicado em 21/06/2023 às 04:53 PM