NILT Course: La carta de motivación en Español
The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT) offers the course “La carta de motivación en Español” [The motivation letter in Spanish]. The aim is to guide participants on how to prepare a motivation letter in Spanish to apply for academic mobility programs. The course will cover the following topics: analysis and identification of the parts of a motivation letter; formality and informality; forms of address; greeting and farewell formulas in Spanish; selection and organization of information relevant to the letter; lexicon and appropriate contents.
- Course type: online, through Moodle Groups.
- Period: from 14 September to 7 October.
- Time: synchronous classes will take place on Wednesdays, from 3 to 5 pm, and the asynchronous activities on Fridays.
- Registrations: from 24 August to 12 September, through the link
- Note: materials, classes and activities will be in Spanish. Thus, the participants must have reading and writing proficiency in Spanish.
- If you have any questions, please contact