Simplified selection process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT)- Final Results

01/09/2022 16:08

The Office of International Relations (SINTER) announces the list of the selected students for the simplified selection process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT) according to the Call No. 16/2021/SINTER.


Language Student Selected
German 1º Juliana de Abreu
Spanish 1º Thais Deamici de Souza
2º Elson Rodrigues Natário Junior
English There were no selected students
Italian 1º Cleide Giacomelli Borraz
2º Telmo Clos Ambrosini
3º Jô Porciùncula Liguiçano Brasil
Portuguese for foreigner 1 1º Karolline dos Santos Rolim
2º Paulo Henrique Pergher
Portuguese for foreigner 2 – content writer 1º – Fernando dos Santos Pedretti
2º – Carolina Vieira Rodrigues
Portuguese for foreigner 2 – tutor 1º – Isabella Todeschini
2º – Karolline dos Santos Rolim
3º – Pedro Henrique Lopes Soares