NILT promotes online Spanish course focusing on motivation letters

01/09/2022 16:17

The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) offers the online Spanish course Elaboration of a motivation letter for academic exchange/mobility”. Applications will be open from 8 February to 8 March and classes will take place from 9 March to 1 April.

The course contains guidelines for the elaboration of a motivation letter in Spanish to apply for academic exchange programs. The course materials and activities will be in Spanish; therefore, reading proficiency in the language is a minimum prerequisite.

Classes will include the analysis and identification of the parts of a motivation letter, formality and informality, forms of address, greeting and farewell formulas in Spanish, selection and organization of information relevant to the letter, lexicon and appropriate contents.

The objective is that, at the end of the course, the student will be able to write a motivation letter to apply for academic exchange programs in a Hispanic country. To receive a certificate, the participant will have to attend at least 75% of the course activities (synchronous classes and asynchronous activities).

The program is coordinated by Prof. Carolina Parrini (DLLE/UFSC) and has student María José González Piris as a content creator and tutor. The synchronous classes will take place on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., and the asynchronous activities will take place on Fridays. The course has a workload of 16 hours and has 30 available seats.

To register, the participant must send to the email

  • Full name

  • CPF

  • Institutional affiliation (ex.: Pedagogy student at UFSC)

Below you can find the course schedule:

Module 1 (9 and 11 March):

  • Synchronous class: course presentation and guidance on content and activities.

  • Asynchronous activity: activity about motivation letter.

Module 2 (16 and 18 March):

  • Synchronous class: observations on grammatical aspects in motivation letters.

  • Asynchronous activity: sending questions about motivation letter.

Module 3 (23 and 25 March):

  • Synchronous class: adequate contents for the motivation letter.

  • Asynchronous activity: sending questions about motivation letter.

Module 4 (30 March and 1 April):

  • Synchronous class: guidelines for the course’s final activity.

  • Asynchronous activity: elaborating and sending a motivation letter, in Spanish, to an academic exchange program.