Selection process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation – NILT

01/09/2022 16:12

The Office of International Relations (SINTER) announces the opening of the Simplified Selection Process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT), according to the  Call 19/SINTER/2021.

There will be 6 scholarships for content writer and tutor. Undergraduate and graduate students at UFSC may apply, according to the call criteria.

Applications are open until 31 October 2021, according to the call.



The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation was created to promote and foment the internationalization process of UFSC through the development of language policies and language courses with an international focus.

Among the NILT’s actions is the offer of remote language courses to students, professors and Technical-Administrative Staff, aiming at preparing them for the proficiency exams required by foreign universities and for the intercultural, international and global learning experience in the internationalization process.

For further information, send an e-mail to:

Area E-mial address for application
Portuguese for foreigner