Simplified selection process for the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT) scholarship holder – Preliminary Results

01/09/2022 16:15

The Office for International Relations (SINTER) announces the preliminary results of the simplified selection process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center of Languages and Translation (NILT) in accordance with CALL No. 19/2021/SINTER.

Partial result – Spanish:

1st place: María José Gonzalez Piris
2nd place: Luz Mariana Blet
3rd place: Bianka Silva de Oliveira
4th place: Agata Lechner Salvio
5th place: Beatrice Távora

Partial result – French:

1st place: Sheila Cristina dos Santos
2nd place: Enézia de Cássia Jesus
3rd place: Georgia Ortolan Colombelli

Partial result – Portuguese as a foreign language:

1st place: César Teló – content writer

2ndplace: Renata Santos – content writer

3rdplace: Isabella Todeschini – content writer

4thplace: William Henrique Cândido Moura – Tutor
5thplace: Vassia Silveira – Tutor
6thplace: Henrique Manenti Felisberto – Tutor
7thplace: Eduardo Fonseca Nadais

8thplace: Pedro Henrique Lopes Soares
9thplace: Hislla Suelen Moreira Ramalho
10thplace: João Marcelo Naedzold de Souza
11thplace: Lara Bertazzo Richter
12thplace: Bruna Morais de Souza

Candidates who wish to appeal against the preliminary results of the selection process may do so on 9 November, 2021 until 11:59 p.m. The appeal must be sent, exclusively, by e-mail of the registration.


Area of Interest E-mail
Portuguese as a foreign language