(Português do Brasil) Resultado final do processo seletivo simplificado para bolsistas do Núcleo Institucional de Línguas e Tradução (NILT)
(Português do Brasil) Homologação das inscrições processo seletivo simplificado para bolsistas do Núcleo Institucional de Línguas e Tradução (NILT)
Introduction to Brazilian Portuguese – Level A1
The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) is promoting the course “Introdução ao Português brasileiro – Nível A1” [Introduction to Brazilian Portuguese – Level A1] for foreign students, researchers and professors who need an introduction to the Portuguese language. The classes will be online and self-instructional. Registrations will be open from 30 September to 30 October 2022.
The aim is to enable participants to master the structures, expressions and sentences of everyday use, allowing them to communicate in a simple way, introduce themselves and others, ask questions and give answers about personal aspects and their surroundings. The course will present elements of the Brazilian culture through texts related to the content being learned and through famous MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) songs.
The course totals 20 hours and a certificate will be provided to the participants who complete all mandatory activities and achieve the performance required for its completion. Classes will take place from 7 to 21 November.
Check below the course content:
- Greetings and introductions;
- Verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’;
- Personal pronouns;
- Definite and indefinite articles;
- Prepositions ‘de’, ‘a’ and ‘em’;
- Contractions of articles and prepositions;
- Brazilian Portuguese alphabet and sounds;
- Lexical aspects:
- Week days and months of the year;
- Numbers from 1 to 40;
- Professions;
- Countries and cities.
Register here.
Applications open for the “Italian proficiency tests” course
The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) promotes the first in-person edition of the “Italian Proficiency Tests” course. The aim is to present the proficiency tests CELI, CILS and PLIDA. There will be 15 places offered and registrations are open until 27 September 2022.
In this course, participants will not learn the language itself, but instead how the proficiency tests work, including their duration, how the questions are presented, which skills are assessed, the test locations and fees. It is advisable but not mandatory that the students have basic knowledge of Italian to carry out the course activities.
The course is structured into four study modules, organized in such a way that it presents all the relevant information about each of the proficiency tests. The first module will introduce the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and its relevance to proficiency tests in any language. Then, the most frequently asked questions involving the Italian tests will be answered. In the second, third and fourth modules, the CILS, CELI and PLIDA tests, respectively, will be presented, including their individual characteristics, the test formats, their duration, and the calendar for the current year.
The course totals 20 hours and is comprised of in-person classes, reading assignments and asynchronous activities. The course will start on Moodle on 28 September (with asynchronous activities) and will finish on 17 October. To complete the course, it is necessary to access the content available on Moodle, carry out the activities proposed at the end of each module (40%) and participate in the in-person classes (60%).
The in-person classes will take place on 3 October (Modules 1 and 2) and 10 October (Modules 3 and 4), Mondays, from 2 pm to 3:30 pm, at NILT, located at Av. Desembargador Vitor Lima, 222, in the Rectorate Building II. The course will be taught by the instructors Cleide Giacomelli Borraz and Telmo Clos Ambrosini, with the supervision of Professor Daniela Bunn (MEN/CED/UFSC).
NILT Course: La carta de motivación en Español
The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT) offers the course “La carta de motivación en Español” [The motivation letter in Spanish]. The aim is to guide participants on how to prepare a motivation letter in Spanish to apply for academic mobility programs. The course will cover the following topics: analysis and identification of the parts of a motivation letter; formality and informality; forms of address; greeting and farewell formulas in Spanish; selection and organization of information relevant to the letter; lexicon and appropriate contents.
- Course type: online, through Moodle Groups.
- Period: from 14 September to 7 October.
- Time: synchronous classes will take place on Wednesdays, from 3 to 5 pm, and the asynchronous activities on Fridays.
- Registrations: from 24 August to 12 September, through the link http://inscricoes.ufsc.br/carta-motivacao-espanhol-nilt.
- Note: materials, classes and activities will be in Spanish. Thus, the participants must have reading and writing proficiency in Spanish.
- If you have any questions, please contact espanhol.nilt@gmail.com.
French Conversation at NILT
Welcome to the French Conversation Group! If you are interested in news related to the francophone world and its different cultural aspects, this discussion group is for you. In weekly meetings, we will discuss and work together on several themes associated with the francophone culture. Thus, you will be able to practice your French while learning how to structure your arguments during a debate. The meeting will be in table ronde [round table] format, in which everyone will have to defend their arguments to strengthen their critical thinking and train their debating skills in French.
Course objective: This course aims at engaging the students, offering them the possibility of giving their opinions in French about subjects pre-defined by the teacher or by the participating students.
DATES: every THURSDAY from 10 to 11:30 pm. The meetings will be held in-person, in the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT), Rectorate Building II (Av. Desembargador Vitor Lima, no. 222)
Start date: 5 September 2022.
NILT launches the course: “Francophonie et mobilité étudiante”
What is francophony? How far does the French language go? What are the different university models? These are the issues we will try to tackle in this course, establishing our first contact with this multi-faceted culture.
The classes are targeted at students, faculty members and administrative staff interested in undertaking mobility in one of the French-speaking countries. The aim of the course is for participants to broaden their knowledge of the French language and become familiar with the francophone university education system. Registrations are open until 2 September 2022.
Level required: B1
Total hours: 8 hours
Two groups will be offered:
- Morning period: Mondays and Tuesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am. Classes on 5, 6, 12 and 13 September. Register here.
- Afternoon period: Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 2 pm to 3:30 pm. Classes on 7, 8, 14 and 15 September. Register here.
Course description by Prof. Clarissa Oliveira: Ce module se déroulera en deux temps. Pour commencer une partie plus culturelle, où je vous présenterais la francophonie en général, pour ensuite me concentrer sur les spécificités reliées à la Belgique, le Canada et la France. Évoquer les stéréotypes reliés à ces pays, pour pouvoir à terme en faire une description la plus authentique possible. La deuxième partie du module, dans la continuité de la présentation de la Francophonie, va être concentré sur la présentation des différents modèles universitaires francophone. Nous nous concentrerons plus spécifiquement sur le système universitaire Belge, Français et Canadien, qui sont les plus demandés par les étudiants étrangers.
Second edition of the English course “Written Production in English – Abstracts”
The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) has launched the second edition of the English course “Written Production in English – Abstracts”. Registrations are open from 4 July to 17 July 2022 (register here).
At the end of the course, students will be able to recognize the main characteristics of the genre abstract; identify the discursive and lexical-systemic characteristics of the genre; contrast types of abstract considering language and subject area; and produce abstracts.
The course totals 16 hours and will be held online through the Moodle Groups platform, featuring synchronous meetings and asynchronous assessments.
Attention: Intermediate knowledge of English – at B1, B2 or C1 level – is recommended to attend the course.
If you have any questions, please contact victor.gobatti@posgrad.ufsc.br.
NILT’s space is inaugurated this Wednesday
Last Wednesday, 29 June, the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT) was inaugurated in the Rectorate Building II. The inauguration event was attended by UFSC’s Rector Ubaldo Cesar Balthazar, the Vice-Rector Catia Regina Silva de Carvalho Pinto, the Secretary for International Relations Lincoln Fernandes, the Director of International Relations Diogo Robl, the NILT Coordinator Silvana Gaspari, SINTER staff and representatives from the Foundation for Socioeconomic Studies and Research (FEPESE), the Prorectorate for Outreach (PROEX) and the Office of Distance Education (SEAD).
NILT was created to promote the internationalization process of UFSC, through the development of language policies and language courses with an international focus. Currently, the Center offers language courses aimed at students and at faculty and staff training. The classes are taught in English, Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL), French, German, Italian, and Spanish. The activities started remotely during the pandemic and will now also be carried out in-person. NILT’s objectives also include the development of translation activities and the administration of proficiency exams, which are still under implementation.
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