NILT presents the course: Written Production in English – Abstracts

01/09/2022 16:17

The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) offers the online English course “Written Production in English– Abstracts”. The course is aimed at faculty, staff and students at UFSC. Classes will take place remotely, via Moodle, and applications will be open from 7 to 14 February.

The goal of the course is to capacitate students to produce abstracts, identify the characteristics of the genre, and compare and contrast different types of abstracts. Intermediate knowledge of English – at B1, B2 or C1 level – is recommended.

Classes will take place from 17 February to 25 March. The course content will be available on Moodle for independent study. Evaluation activities will be carried out asynchronously and sent to the instructor’s e-mail on the following dates: 22 and 28 February, and 4, 9, 16 and 23 March.

The course totals 16 hours and there are 30 available seats. To apply, click here.

If you have any questions, please send them to

NILT promotes online Spanish course focusing on motivation letters

01/09/2022 16:17

The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) offers the online Spanish course Elaboration of a motivation letter for academic exchange/mobility”. Applications will be open from 8 February to 8 March and classes will take place from 9 March to 1 April.

The course contains guidelines for the elaboration of a motivation letter in Spanish to apply for academic exchange programs. The course materials and activities will be in Spanish; therefore, reading proficiency in the language is a minimum prerequisite.

Classes will include the analysis and identification of the parts of a motivation letter, formality and informality, forms of address, greeting and farewell formulas in Spanish, selection and organization of information relevant to the letter, lexicon and appropriate contents.

The objective is that, at the end of the course, the student will be able to write a motivation letter to apply for academic exchange programs in a Hispanic country. To receive a certificate, the participant will have to attend at least 75% of the course activities (synchronous classes and asynchronous activities).

The program is coordinated by Prof. Carolina Parrini (DLLE/UFSC) and has student María José González Piris as a content creator and tutor. The synchronous classes will take place on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., and the asynchronous activities will take place on Fridays. The course has a workload of 16 hours and has 30 available seats.

To register, the participant must send to the email

  • Full name

  • CPF

  • Institutional affiliation (ex.: Pedagogy student at UFSC)

Below you can find the course schedule:

Module 1 (9 and 11 March):

  • Synchronous class: course presentation and guidance on content and activities.

  • Asynchronous activity: activity about motivation letter.

Module 2 (16 and 18 March):

  • Synchronous class: observations on grammatical aspects in motivation letters.

  • Asynchronous activity: sending questions about motivation letter.

Module 3 (23 and 25 March):

  • Synchronous class: adequate contents for the motivation letter.

  • Asynchronous activity: sending questions about motivation letter.

Module 4 (30 March and 1 April):

  • Synchronous class: guidelines for the course’s final activity.

  • Asynchronous activity: elaborating and sending a motivation letter, in Spanish, to an academic exchange program.

NILT launches the second edition of the course “Ways and perspectives for studying in Italy”

01/09/2022 16:16

SINTERThe Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) promotes the course “Ways and perspectives of studying in Italy – reading and understanding Calls for Application in Italian language – 2nd edition”. The initiative seeks to equip the academic community (undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff) to understand Calls for Applications for scholarships in Italian educational institutions.

Given the offer of Italian government scholarships for undergraduate exchange, graduate research and cultural exchanges, it is intended that students, at the end of this course, will be able to: 1) easily locate Calls for Applications for Italian government scholarships; 2) understand the Italian higher education system; 3) know the main Italian proficiency tests; 4) recognize characteristics of a Call for Applications, in Italian; 5) autonomously fill in registration forms.

The course will be taught by professors Cleide Giacomelli Borraz and Telmo Clos Ambrosini and the activity is coordinated by professor Dr. Daniela Bunn (MEN/CED). Selected students will receive the access link on 6 February and the Moodle space will open on 8 February. The synchronous classes will take place via the Moodle BBB Platform in three meetings, on Tuesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am, scheduled for 15 February (Module 1), 22 February (Module 2 and 3) and 8 March (Module 4), and the course will end on 14 March.

The first module of the course presents the question “Why study in Italy?” and gives a brief presentation of the Italian higher education system, the division of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the main Italian language certifications. In the second and third modules, a Call for Applications from the Italian government offered by the Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI) will be presented, with vocabulary exploration and instrumentalization on aspects of the Italian language. In the fourth module, there will be a presentation on how to fill in the main data in application forms and equivalency requests, in addition to basic information about student visas.

Registration runs from 24 January to 6 February and the course has 50 places. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge of the Italian language and the Call for Applications promoted by the Italian Government has an age restriction. Click here to register.

Simplified Selection process for the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT) scholarship holders – Final Results

01/09/2022 16:16

The Office for International Relations (SINTER) announces the final results of the simplified selection process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center of Languages and Translation (NILT) in accordance with CALL No. 19/2021/SINTER.

Final Results  – Spanish:

1st place: María José Gonzalez Piris
2nd place: Luz Mariana Blet
3rd place: Bianka Silva de Oliveira
4th place: Agata Lechner Salvio
5th place: Beatrice Távora

Final Results – French:

1st place: Sheila Cristina dos Santos
2nd place: Enézia de Cássia Jesus
3rd place: Georgia Ortolan Colombelli

Final Results- Portuguese as a foreign language:

1st place: César Teló – conteudista
2nd place: Renata Santos – conteudista
3rd place: Isabella Todeschini – conteudista
4th place: William Henrique Cândido Moura – Tutor
5th place: Vassia Silveira – Tutor
6th place: Henrique Manenti Felisberto – Tutor
7th place: Eduardo Fonseca Nadais
8th place: Pedro Henrique Lopes Soares
9th place: Hislla Suelen Moreira Ramalho
10th place: João Marcelo Naedzold de Souza
11th place: Lara Bertazzo Richter
12th place: Bruna Morais de Souza

Ways and perspectives for studying in Italy – reading and understanding Calls for Applications in Italian language.

01/09/2022 16:15

Ways and perspectives for studying in Italy – reading and understanding Italian Calls for Applications in Italian language.

This extension course, which is part of an initiative of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER), seeks to equip the academic public (undergraduates, graduate students, administrative staff and professors) to understand scholarship Calls for Applications for Italian educational institutions.

Duration: from 23 November to 17 December 2021

Workload: 20 hours.

Synchronous meetings: on 30 November, 7 December and 14 December,  Tuesdays, from 10 am to 11:30 am.

The first week of activities will be asynchronous and the Moodle space will open on 23 November

Speakers: Cleide Giacomelli Borraz and Telmo Clos Ambrosini

Registration: from 10 to 21 November 2021.

Number of places: 30.

Criteria: order of entry, no language prerequisite.

Registration link:

For more information, access the Teaching Program.

Contact and questions:

Simplified selection process for the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT) scholarship holder – Preliminary Results

01/09/2022 16:15

The Office for International Relations (SINTER) announces the preliminary results of the simplified selection process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center of Languages and Translation (NILT) in accordance with CALL No. 19/2021/SINTER.

Partial result – Spanish:

1st place: María José Gonzalez Piris
2nd place: Luz Mariana Blet
3rd place: Bianka Silva de Oliveira
4th place: Agata Lechner Salvio
5th place: Beatrice Távora

Partial result – French:

1st place: Sheila Cristina dos Santos
2nd place: Enézia de Cássia Jesus
3rd place: Georgia Ortolan Colombelli

Partial result – Portuguese as a foreign language:

1st place: César Teló – content writer

2ndplace: Renata Santos – content writer

3rdplace: Isabella Todeschini – content writer

4thplace: William Henrique Cândido Moura – Tutor
5thplace: Vassia Silveira – Tutor
6thplace: Henrique Manenti Felisberto – Tutor
7thplace: Eduardo Fonseca Nadais

8thplace: Pedro Henrique Lopes Soares
9thplace: Hislla Suelen Moreira Ramalho
10thplace: João Marcelo Naedzold de Souza
11thplace: Lara Bertazzo Richter
12thplace: Bruna Morais de Souza

Candidates who wish to appeal against the preliminary results of the selection process may do so on 9 November, 2021 until 11:59 p.m. The appeal must be sent, exclusively, by e-mail of the registration.


Area of Interest E-mail
Portuguese as a foreign language


Applications approved for the simplified selection process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT)

01/09/2022 16:13

The Office of International Relations (SINTER) announces the list of pre-selected students for the simplified selection process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT) in accordance with CALL No. 19/2021/SINTER.

Approved applications- Spanish:

  1. Agata Lechner Salvio
  2. Beatrice Tavora
  3. Bianka Silva de Oliveira
  4. Mariana Light Blet
  5. Maria José Gonzalez Piris

There will only be an interview, next Friday, 5 November 2021, at 3 pm, through Meet. The link will be emailed to candidates.

Approved applications, with date and time for interviews – French:

  1. Enézia de Cássia Jesus – 4 Nov- 7 pm
  2. Fabianne de Sales Neto Custódio Batista – 4 Nov– 7:30 pm
  3. Georgia Ortolan Colombelli – 4 Nov– 8 pm
  4. Sheila Cristina dos Santos – 4 Nov– 8:30 pm


Unapproved application – French:

  1. Lucas Bernardo Marques

Approved applications – Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE):

  1. Bruna Morais de Souza
  2. César Teló
  3. Eduardo Fonseca Nadais
  4. Henrique Manenti Felisberto
  5. Hislla Suelen Moreira Ramalho
  6. Isabella Todeschini
  7. João Marcelo Naedzold de Souza
  8. Lara Bertazzo Richter
  9. Pedro Henrique Lopes Soares
  10. Renata Santos
  11. Vassia Silveira
  12. William Henrique Cândido Moura

There will only be an interview, next Friday, 5 November 2021, from 9 am to 11 am, through a digital platform. The link will be emailed to candidates.

Registration is open for the course “Exámenes de certificación en español: acercamiento”

01/09/2022 16:12

Registration is now open for the course “Exámenes de certificación en español: acercamiento” (Spanish proficiency exams: familiarization).

It is an instrumental course to learn about the procedures and contents of 4 main Spanish proficiency exams, valid for academic mobility processes: CELU, SIELE, DELE and LEPPLE/DLLE/UFSC exam. The aim of the course is not to learn Spanish, but to learn how exams work (exam format, types and content of questions, skills assessed, correction criteria, grade calculation, exam time, application centers, periods of offer, prices, validity of exams etc) and test some skills by taking 1 or 2 questions from previous exams.

Registration: from 13 to 25 October 2021

Course starts: 27 October 2021

Course duration: 4 weeks (synchronous classes on Wednesdays -2 to 4pm- and asynchronous activities on Fridays)

Workload: 16 hours

To register, interested parties must send an email to espanhol.nilt containing:


– CPF (Brazilian Register of Individual Taxpayer)

– email (to receive the certificate)

– proof of basic knowledge of Spanish (corresponding to level A2)

Access the course plan 

For more information, contact us at

Selection process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation – NILT

01/09/2022 16:12

The Office of International Relations (SINTER) announces the opening of the Simplified Selection Process for scholarship holders of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT), according to the  Call 19/SINTER/2021.

There will be 6 scholarships for content writer and tutor. Undergraduate and graduate students at UFSC may apply, according to the call criteria.

Applications are open until 31 October 2021, according to the call.



The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation was created to promote and foment the internationalization process of UFSC through the development of language policies and language courses with an international focus.

Among the NILT’s actions is the offer of remote language courses to students, professors and Technical-Administrative Staff, aiming at preparing them for the proficiency exams required by foreign universities and for the intercultural, international and global learning experience in the internationalization process.

For further information, send an e-mail to:

Area E-mial address for application
Portuguese for foreigner


NILT and the Virtual Courses for the Internationalization of UFSC

01/09/2022 16:11

The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT), linked to SINTER, will give courses aimed at better preparing for UFSC’s Internationalization process:

  1. Cultural texts in German: a translation practice (16h);
    2. Spanish Proficiency Exams: familiarization (16h);
    3. Written production in English – abstracts (16h);
    4. Reading and comprehension of Calls for Scholarships to study in Italy – Italian for specific purposes (16h);
    5.Portuguese for foreigners: Unveiling the Reading process: first steps (16h);
    6. Portuguese for foreigners: First steps in academic writing: the paragraph (16h);
    7. Portuguese for foreigners: Aspects of academic writing in Brazilian Portuguese: review, scientific article and abstract (16h).

All courses will be free of charge.

More information about the courses and the link for registration will be available soon on SINTER website.