Concluded Courses and Calls

Here you will find the list of courses and calls already offered by the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT):

Concluded Courses and Calls – 2024

Course / Call Applications Target Audience Course Period
Call no. 2/2024/NILT/SINTER – Needs for Translation Services (Portuguese⇔German) From 17 May to 15 August 2024  Students, faculty and staff
Call no. 1/2024/NILT/SINTER – Needs for Translation Services (Portuguese⇔English) From 7 May to 30 November 2024 Students, faculty and staff
“Francophonie Multiculturelle” course (In-person) From 17 April to 6 May 2024 Students From 7 May to 9 July
Italian course: preparation for interviews, filling out forms and CVs for study and work purposes in Italy (online) From 15 April to 5 May 2024 Students From 8 May to 3 July
Online course on student exchange in German-speaking countries From 20 March to 5 April 2024 Students From 16 April to 9 May
Italian course: preparation for interviews, filling out forms and CVs for study and work purposes in Italy From 21 March to 1 April 2024 Students  From 3 April to 5 June
French conversation course – instructor: Maéva da Costa From 18 March to 25 March 2024 Students From 25 March to 24 June
Extension course: welcome and integration of foreign students at UFSC From 13 March to 18 March 2024 Foreign students at UFSC 18 March, 25 March and 1 April

Concluded Courses and Calls – 2023

Course / Call Applications Target Group Application period
Call no. 2/2023/NILT/SINTER – Translation (Portuguese⇔French) of Academic Abstracts for Undergraduate Students Undergraduate students Until 15 December 2023
Call no. 3/2023/NILT/SINTER – Translation (Portuguese⇔English) of Academic Abstracts for Undergraduate Students Undergraduate students Until 30 November 2023
Free online course “Writing emails in English” Undergraduate students Until 15 November 2023
Free online course – “Ways and perspectives of studying in Italy” Undergraduate students Until 14 November 2023
Free online course “Written Production in English” – Abstracts 2023  Academic community Until 1 November 2023
Call no. 4/2023/NILT/SINTER – Needs for courses and translation works in German   Academic community Until 31 October 2023
Free in-person course “Oral and written practice in English”  –  CCA/UFSC  Students with B1 level English Until 30 October 2023
Préparation au DELF B1 – preparation for french proficiency tests Academic community – students, faculty and researchers  Until 1 October 2023
Conversation in French Undergraduate and graduate students  Until 3 September 2023
Basic Italian  Undergraduate and graduate students  Until 29 October 2023
Préparation au DELF B1 [preparation for DELF B1] Undergraduate and graduate students  Until 16 August 2023
Parler pour communiquer : parler de soi-même et de l’UFSC  [Speak to communicate: talk about yourself and about UFSC] Undergraduate and graduate students  Until 15 August 2023
Self-instructional Brazilian Portuguese Foreign students, researchers and  professors at UFSC Until 15 August 2023
French music workshop Academic community – A2 French level required  From 21 to 27 June 2023
Culture in focus in German texts: a translation project Academic community – A2 German level required  From 6 to 18 June 2023
Ways and perspectives of studying in Italy Academic Community  From 9 to 18 June 2023
 La Carta de Motivación en Español [Motivation letter in Spanish] Students and staff From 27 April to 7 May 2023
DELF B1 – preparation for French proficiency tests Students, researchers and professors From 14 April to 30 April
Introduction to Brazilian Portuguese – A1 [Level 2] Foreign students, researchers and professors and external community From 1 April to 20 April 2023
Francophonie et mobilité étudiante [Francophonie and student mobility]  Students, faculty and staff Until 26 March 2023
Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture Undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff Until 17 March 2023
English for Political Science International Relations and Social Sciences students From 3 March to 14 March 2023
Introduction to Brazilian Portuguese – A1 [Level 1] Foreign students, researchers and professors and external community From 7 February to 14 February 2023

Concluded Courses – 2022

Title Course plan Application period
Culture in focus in German texts: a translation project 7 to 22 November 2022
NILT launches the self-instructional course “Francophonie et mobilité étudiante”  until 30 October
Ways and perspectives of studying in Italy – reading and understanding Calls for Applications in Italian language  until 19 October
Introduction to Brazilian Portuguese – Level A1 30 September to 30 October 2022
 Italian Proficiency Tests  until 27 September
 La carta de motivación en Español  14 September to 7 October
 French Conversation  until 2 September
 Francophonie et mobilité étudiante  until 2 September
Curso Préparation pour le DELF B1 30 July to 10 August
Aspects of academic writing in Brazilian Portuguese: abstract, review and scientific article until 10 July
 Written Production in English – Abstracts  4 July to 17 July
Exámenes de certificación en español: acercamiento 27 Jun to 4 July
Ways and perspectives of studying in Italy – reading and understanding Calls for Application in Italian language – 2nd edition 24 January to 6 February
Elaboration of a motivation letter for academic exchange/mobility 8 February to 8 March
Written Production in English– Abstracts 7 February to 14 February
Cultural texts in German: a translation practice 23 February to 6 March
Atelier: Rédiger une lettre de motivation 14 March to 21 March
Italian proficiency tests Course plan 4 March to 27 March
Ways and perspectives of studying in Italy – reading and understanding Calls for Application in Italian language 6 April to 30 April
Aspects of academic writing in Brazilian Portuguese: abstract, review and scientific article 10 April to 30 April
Francophonie et mobilité étudiante 22 May to 1 June


Concluded Courses – 2021

Title Course plan Target Audience Period
Préparation pour le DELF B1 Course plan Students who will take the French proficiency test 12 October 2021 to 16 September 2021
“Exámenes de certificación en español: acercamiento” (Getting familiar with Spanish proficiency tests) Course plan Students interested in learning how Spanish proficiency tests. 13 October 2021 to 25 October 2021
Ways and perspectives of studying in Italy – reading and understanding calls for applications in Italian Course plan Students who want to apply for calls in Italian. 23 November 2021 to 17 December 2021